Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

nekoda Summary and Overview

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nekoda in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(distinguished). 1. The descendants of Nekoda returned among the Nethinim after the captivity. #Ezr 2:48; Ne 7:50| 2. The sons of Nekoda were among those who went up after the captivity from Tel-melah, Tel-harsa, and other places, but were unable to prove their descent from Israel. #Ezr 2:60; Ne 7:62|

nekoda in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

NEKO'DA (distinguished), one whose descendants returned from the Captivity with Zerubbabel. Ezr 2:48. They were not able to prove their Hebrew extraction. Ezr 2:59-60.

nekoda in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Ezra 2:48; Ezra 2:60-62.