Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

huz Summary and Overview

Bible Dictionaries at a GlanceBible Dictionaries at a Glance

huz in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(light, sandy soil), the eldest son of Nahor and Milcah. #Ge 22:21| (B.C. about 1900).

huz in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

HUZ (the strong), the eldest son of Nahor and Milcah, Gen 22:21. HUZ'ZAB appears in the A.V. as a proper name, a queen of Nineveh in the days of Nahum, Nah 2:7. Many scholars, however, take it as a geographical term meaning "the country of Zab." But perhaps it is best regarded as a part of speech, and read: "And it is decreed."

huz in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

HUZ or UZ. (Genesis 22:21).