Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
Bible History
Picture Study Bible with Maps and Background Information

Genesis 5:5 So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

< Genesis 5:4
Genesis 5:6 >

      5. all the days . . . Adam lived--The most striking feature in this catalogue is the longevity of Adam and his immediate descendants. Ten are enumerated (Ge 5:5-32) in direct succession whose lives far exceed the ordinary limits with which we are familiar--the shortest being three hundred sixty-five, [Ge 5:23] and the longest nine hundred sixty-nine years [Ge 5:27]. It is useless to inquire whether and what secondary causes may have contributed to this protracted longevity--vigorous constitutions, the nature of their diet, the temperature and salubrity of the climate; or, finally--as this list comprises only the true worshippers of God--whether their great age might be owing to the better government of their passions and the quiet, even tenor of their lives. Since we cannot obtain satisfactory evidence on these points, it is wise to resolve the fact into the sovereign will of God. We can, however, trace some of the important uses to which, in the early economy of Providence, it was subservient. It was the chief means of reserving a knowledge of God, of the great truths of religion, as well as the influence of genuine piety. So that, as their knowledge was obtained by tradition, they would be in a condition to preserve it in the greatest purity.


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Genesis 5 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: The generations of Noah are: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah who begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis Chapter 5

Genesis 5:29 - And he called his name Noah, saying, This [same] shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.

The Messianic Lineage from Adam to Enoch (Genesis 5:1-24)
The Messianic Lineage from Methuselah to Noah (Genesis 5:25-32)

1 Genealogy, Age, And Death From Adam Unto Noah.
The Godliness And Translation Of Enoch.

Enoch Translated
Painting of Enoch being translated by Gerard Hoet (1648�1733)

Topics for Bible Study

Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuseleh, Lamech, Noah.

Map of the Table of Nations

Quick Reference Map
Quick Reference Map of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Map of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (Click to Enlarge)

Chart showing the number of years from Adam to Noah

The Old Testament

The Old Testament

Genesis Resources

Adam and Eve
The Flood
The Tower of Babel
Abraham the First Hebrew
Isaac, Son of Promise
Jacob and the 12 Tribes
Joseph and Egypt