23. If thou shalt do this thing, &c.--Jethro's counsel was given merely in the form of a suggestion; it was not to be adopted without the express sanction and approval of a better and higher Counsellor; and although we are not informed of it, there can be no doubt that Moses, before appointing subordinate magistrates, would ask the mind of God, as it is the duty and privilege of every Christian in like manner to supplicate the divine direction in all his ways.
1 Jethro brings to Moses his wife and two sons
7 Moses entertains him
13 Jethro's counsel to Moses is heeded
27 Jethro departs to his own land
Painting of Jethro Advising Moses (Click to Enlarge)
Important Topics for Bible Study
Jethro comes to Moses with his
wife and children
their names are Zipporah, Gershom, and Eliezer
Moses goes to meet his father-in-law Jethro
Moses does obeisance and kisses him
Moses explains all of God's providence and goodness to Jethro
Jethro is overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving
Jethro acknowledges the great power of the Lord
Jethro Sacrifices and makes burnt offerings to the Lord
Moses goes to hear the cases and judge the people of Israel
Jethro does not like what he is observing about Moses
Moses explains himself to Jethro and Jethro offers him advice
Moses agrees and takes the advice of his father-in-law
Moses chooses : able men as judges
The judges carry the him him burden of most cases
The hardest cases are brought before Moses
Jethro departs to his own land him
Quick Reference Map
Map of the Possible Route of the
(Click to Enlarge)
Ancient Customs
Ancient People
God, Moses, Aaron, Jethro, Zipporah, Gershom, Eliezer
the LORD
the wilderness
the mount of God
the land of Jethro
Quick Reference Maps
Map of the Red Sea and Egypt
(Click to Enlarge)
The Old Testament
Exodus Resources
and the Exodus
The Giving of the Law
The Wilderness Wanderings