Fausset's Bible Dictionary


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Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Fausset's Bible DictionaryWelcome to the Fausset's Bible Dictionary on Bible History Online

The Fausset's Bible Dictionary by the Rev. A.R. Fausset, the co-author of the classic Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary, This Bible Dictionary remains an excellent tool for teachers and students alike. It is one of the best single-volume Bible dictionaries ever written for Bible study. Rev. Fausset writes in an easy to understand format for any serious student of the Bible or scholar. Fausset's Bible Dictionary is an excellent tool for Bible study whether it be in-depth or basic. .

Strengthen your knowledge of the Bible and the ancient world with this wonerful dictionary. Use it for researching topics like names, cities, peoples, events, monuments, temples, tombs, and other Biblical subjects. This concise volume has been an aid to both layman and scholar in their study of God's word.

Andrew Robert Fausset - Born: 1821; Died: 1910

Andrew Robert Fausset was born in 1821 in a city of Ireland called Silverhill, which was about 75 miles sw of Belfast. When he reached 22 years of age he had earned his B.A. degree at Trinity College in Dublin, in 1843. Shortly after he graduated as a Doctor of Divinity. He was ordained as a minister in 1848. He published many scholoarly Christian works. He wrote the Scripture and the Prayer Book in Harmony (London, 1854); Horse Psalmiece (1877); The Englishman's Critical and Expository Cyclopedia (London; 1878); The Church and World (1878); The Millennium (1880); The Signs of the Times (1881); Prophecy a Sure Light (1882); The Latter Rain (1883); True Science Confirming Genesis (1884); The Personal Antichrist (1884); Spiritualism (1885); Critical and Expository Commentary on the Book of Judges (1885); and Guide to the Study of the Book of Common Prayer (1894). He edited various classical authors as well as the English translation of J. A. Bengel's Gnomon Novi Testamenti (5 vols., Edin burgh, 1857-58), and A. R. Vinet's Homiletique (London, 1858), and wrote the second and fourth volumes of The Critical and Explanatory Pocket Bible (4 vols. Glasgow, 1862), and the third, fourth and sixth volumes of the Critical, Explanitory, and Practical Commentary (6 vols., London, 1871).

Bibliography Information
Each Biblical definition contains bibliography information to use freely, it also includes a link back to the Faussets.

Copyright Information
© Fausset's Bible Dictionary which is in the public domain.

Bibliography Information
Each subject contains bibliography information to use freely, it also includes a link back to Fausset's Bible Dictionary.

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