.php lang="en"> The Ark of the Covenant Disappeared from History

5 Interesting Facts About The Ark of the Covenant

5 Interesting Facts about the Ark of the Covenant 5. The Ark of the Covenant Disappeared from History

The Bible records that the Ark of the Covenant was within the Temple of Solomon throughout the history of the kings of Israel and Judah. Suddenly in 586 BC the Babylonians came and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon. They brought the spoils to Babylon and yet there was no mention in the Bible as to what happened to the Ark of the Covenant. It was not mentioned among the spoils of the Babylonians, nor was it mentioned with the objects returned to Jerusalem by Cyrus, king of Persia. None of the prophets including Jeremiah and Ezekiel mentioned its whereabouts. It was not mentioned in the Second Temple, The Temple of Zerubbabel. Even the New Testament makes no mention of the Ark of the Covenant within the Temple of Herod. The Ark of the Covenant completely disappeared from history and it has never been seen again. In a Free Bible interview with Dr. Bahat, Chief Archaeologist of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for over two decades, he said very decisively, "No one has seen the Ark anywhere in Jerusalem." He was asked about various sightings by specific individuals and organizations and his reply was "Rubbish, all Rubbish." We asked him where would be the most logical place to search for the Ark, his reply was "I would start on Mount Nebo." This was because of the extrabiblical citation in 2 Maccabees 2:4-7 which says that the Ark was hidden by Jeremiah in a cave on Mount Nebo and will not be revealed until God's determined time. The Book of Revelation reveals that John saw the Ark in a vision of God's Temple in heaven.

(See 2 Chronicles 36:18-19, Jer 3:16, and Rev 11:19)

Archaeologists Searching
Searching for Artifacts

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