Statue of a Cyprus bearded man with votive offerings

Statue of a bearded man with votive offerings, ca. 475–450 b.c.; Classical Cypriot; Said to be from the temple at Golgoi Limestone. The Met Museum says: This statue of a man dedicated in a temple at Golgoi reflects the influence of Greek sculptural style in Cypriot art of the fifth century B.C. The lifesize figure wears a typical eastern Greek costume consisting of a finely pleated linen chiton and a wool himation (cloak). He stands with the left foot advanced in a pose that renders a subtle sense of movement. The slight Archaic smile and the jewel-like precision with which the hair and the beard were carved bring to mind Greek Archaic art of the sixth century B.C. This votive figure wears a wreath of oak leaves and stylized narcissus flowers, which must have evoked ideas of fertility and regeneration. In his left hand he holds a dove, perhaps intended as a gift for the deity of the temple at Golgoi.

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